News list for " obol"

Obol Collective will airdrop OBOL tokens to Ethereum stakers and others

Obol Collective, an industry group founded last year to advance distributed verification technology, plans to airdrop new OBOL tokens to thousands of network participants. Its snapshot was completed on January 13 and the first distribution will take place on Tuesday.

2025-01-21 23:17:15
Obol Collective将向以太坊质押者等空投OBOL代币

去年成立的旨在推进分布式验证技术的行业组织 Obol Collective,计划向数千网络参与者空投 OBOL 新代币。其 1 月 13 日已完成快照,周二将进行首次分发。

2025-01-21 23:17:15
Obol Network Releases Charon v1.0 Version

Obol Network has released Charon v1.0, the first Long Term Support (LTS) release of its Ethereum Distributed Validator (DV) middleware client. This release supports distributed key generation, creating only partial validator key shares for each node in the DV cluster without revealing the full private key. DV enhances Ethereum's fault tolerance by preventing single points of failure. The client side also prevents access to the validator private key share during runtime, minimizing the risk of pr...

2024-07-02 09:45:08
Obol Network发布Charon v1.0版本

Obol Network发布了Charon v1.0,这是其以太坊分布式验证器(DV)中间件客户端的首个长期支持(LTS)版本。该版本支持分布式密钥生成,只为 DV 集群中的每个节点创建部分验证器密钥共享,而不会泄露完整的私钥。DV 通过防止单点故障增强了以太坊的容错能力。客户端还能防止在运行期间访问验证器私钥共享,最大限度地降低私钥泄漏的风险。Charon 还兼容各种客户端组合。Lido 和 EtherFi 已承诺将 Charo...

2024-07-02 09:45:08
Obol Network Launches 1% Decentralized Traceability Fund (1forDS)

Obol Network has launched the 1% Decentralized Traceability Fund (1forDS), a new fundraising model designed to support projects focused on decentralizing the Ethereum consensus layer. The model puts the 1% stake reward from the Obol Distributed Validator Cluster into the Traceability Fund pool. It will bring more funding to projects as the network expands. Lido Finance is the first contributor to join the initiative through its SimpleDVT module. EtherFi has also committed to participate through ...

2024-05-22 09:14:32
Obol Network推出1%去中心化追溯基金(1forDS)

Obol Network推出1%去中心化追溯基金(1forDS),这是一种新的筹资模式,旨在支持专注于以太坊共识层去中心化的项目。该模式将Obol分布式验证器集群的1%赌注奖励投入追溯基金池。随着网络的扩大,它将为项目带来更多资金。 Lido Finance是第一个通过其SimpleDVT模块加入该计划的贡献者。EtherFi也承诺通过其验证器参与其中。Obol分布式验证器...

2024-05-22 09:14:32
Obol Labs:分布式验证器集群已准备好在Lido Simple DVT模块中激活

专注于权益证明区块链基础设施的开发团队Obol Labs表示,经过一段时间的测试和评估,其分布式验证器集群已准备好在以太坊主网上的Lido Simple DVT模块中激活。根据Lido社区10月份投票表决的一项提案:分布式验证器技术(DVT)代表了向Lido节点运营商集添加许多新节点运营商的最快方式,使单独和社区利益相关者参与者的情况更...

2024-04-08 04:05:11